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Update Football Manager 2009 v9.2.0 - Patch et Activation Crack
Games > PC
199.75 MB

FM2009 FM09 FM 09
+0 / -1 (-1)

Jan 10, 2009

Update Football Manager 2009 v9.2.0 - Patch et Activation Crack (Update 9.2.0 et 9.1.0 incluse)

Téléchargez ce fichier et lisez bien les instructions en français contenu dans l'archive.
Suivez bien l'ordre des instructions.
Il n'y a aucuns fichiers à modifier.

L'archive contient 3 fichiers : le patch 9.1.0, l'installeur du patch 9.2.0 et du crack et le fichier texte pour installer tout ça.
L'installation est facile et rapide, car l'installation du patch 9.2.0 et du crack est automatisée, il n'y a donc pas de risque d'erreur.

Si vous souhaitez utiliser une mise à jour de FM Centre ou FM Europe version 9.2.0, vous devez modifier le fichier .xml se trouvant dans l'update. Il faut remplacer dans la ligne suivante :

"9.2.0" par "9.1.0"
cette ligne indique que cette update nécessite la version 9.2.0 du jeu (fm.exe). Vous lui indiquez qu'elle nécessite la version 9.1.0 pour que le jeu vous propose cette update lors de la création d'une nouvelle partie.

S.V.P., si vous rencontrez des bugs ou des problèmes dans votre partie signalez-le ici.
Si tout va bien, signalez-le également, cela rassurera d'autres utilisateurs.

Avec cette méthode le jeu pense qu'il emploie l'update 9.1.0, mais il ne fait pas.
Dans la barre de statut de jeu, vous verrez 9.1.0, mais ne paniquez pas.
C'est l'update 9.2.0 et la base de données 9.2.0 entière qui seront utilisés.
Nous mettrons à jour simplement le jeu manuellement et emploierons la méthode 9.1.0 crack pour le cracker sans des bugs.

Seul le fichier fm.exe et le dossier "shaders" ne sont pas mis à jour, car il n'existe pas de crack pour la version 9.2.0 du fichier fm.exe, et le jeu ne se lancera pas si les fichiers du dossier "shaders" sont modifiés.
La mise à jour du dossier "shaders" n'a aucun intérêt pour nous, car voilà ce qui à été modifié dans 13 fichiers de ce dossier :
a été remplacé par


please write it english!thx
from the looks of it, it is the same bollocks that is going around which is just the updated database. my french rubbish but -
Avec cette méthode le jeu pense qu'il emploie l'update 9.1.0, mais il ne fait pas.
Dans la barre de statut de jeu, vous verrez 9.1.0, mais ne paniquez pas.
"C'est l'update 9.2.0 et la base de données 9.2.0 entière qui seront utilisés.
Nous mettrons à jour simplement le jeu manuellement et emploierons la méthode 9.1.0 crack pour le cracker sans des bugs"

translate roughly to

"with this method the game thinks that it is playing 9.1 but it is not so. The status bar will say 9.1 but it is the 9.2 database. We shall manually update (the database to 9.2) and employ the 9.1 crack with no bugs (yeah right)

Basically its the same one as what's going around.

If you already have that one (and that one is not the updated 9.2 cracked .exe which doesn't exist) then I wouldn't bother unless having an updated database but crappy match engine is fine for you.

I'm going to go and buy the game tomorrow, fucking SI bastards :)
if someone has installed this could they post the match engine version here and that will give us the answer.
The exe is always 9.1.0, don't update the exe file
Fucking idiot it's the same as permaximum! Please give us a working crack...fucking SI!
Football Manager 2009 Update v9.2.0 - Patch and Activation Crack (Update 9.2.0 and 9.1.0 included)

Download this file and read the instructions in French in the archive.
Follow the instructions.
There are no files to edit.

The archive contains 3 files: patch 9.1.0, the installer 9.2.0 patch and crack and the text file to install it.
Installation is quick and easy as installing the 9.2.0 patch and crack is automated, so there is no risk of error.

If you want to use an updated FM FM Center or Europe version 9.2.0, you need to change. Xml file located in the update. We must replace the following line:

"9.2.0" with "9.1.0"
This line indicates that this update requires version 9.2.0 of the game (fm.exe). You tell him that it requires version 9.1.0 for the game that offers this update when creating a new party.

Please, if you encounter any bugs or problems in your game report it here.
If all goes well, report it also, it will reassure other users.

With this method the game think it uses the 9.1.0 update, but it does not.
In the status bar of the game, you will see 9.1.0, but do not panic.
This is the update 9.2.0 and 9.2.0 database that will be fully used.
We will update the game simply manually and use method for crack 9.1.0 crack without bugs.

Only the file and folder fm.exe "shaders" are not updated, because there is no crack for version 9.2.0 File fm.exe, and the game will not start if the files folder "shaders" are modified.
Updating the "shaders" has no interest to us because this is what was changed in 13 files in this folder:
was replaced by
i have not tested this only for info
we its double the size of maximums. Also it is the same size as the official SI patch from their site. 200mb is the size of the official patch. 100mb is the size of maximums patch.
what is this?i dont understand?920 patch use?the size is ok,i think.somebody use it?write pls
it doesn't work, it's the same as permaximum, just the procedure is auto
this is the only working crack that i've found thus far.
just read above that ppl write it doesn't work. it did for me. clean install, patch to 9.1.0, then apply the included 9.2.0 patch and you've got a working 9.2.0 database - although game says it's still 9.1.0. No glitches so far after a few matches. Save game loaded without problems.
if you have a look on the SI forum, the 9.2 patch is stil crap anyway. i couldn't give a monkeys if my widgets are transparent i just want my stikers to score more and get injusred less.

with the 9.2 patch this STILL isn't happening.

I was just about to go and buy the game today but guys the 9.2 patch is still a piece of shit.

SI are stealing people's money. what a bunch of cunts.
My situation is:
I have a match with italian serie C1 and the game has a dump error on 24 july 2009. With this crack there is still that dump error.
I also tried the crack for 9.2 and I overcame that dump but there are still bugs such as Albanian moneys and the one you can't go on for press or accept offers. So I and all people who loaded the italian C1 are stuck.
Where is a 9.2 working crack?
I had the same thing happen to me. If you want Serie C1 you have to load Serie C2 too, otherwise you get an error on 24 July 2009 and it's over. If you played the game with 9.1.0 and upgraded to 9.2.0 the issue isn't solved. Crap isn't it?

FIX: start a new game with Serie C2 selected.
The problem is that i don't want to start another game bacause i could loose the game.
But i started my current match with 9.1.0 and i passed the 24 july 2009 with the crack for 9.2.0 but there were bugs. So with a 9.2 crack without bugs I could continue my match
what is the situation?some one recommend this?920?working?????i would try,but im afraid ,for goes down my game.i dont need to reinstall?somebody help!ii it ok? i play 910,but i have lot of injury,i cant belive it,but i think just im badluck.write pls what about the new,somebody working?

what version of the game do you use? can you provide me a link. you see i use a russian version, with ilefx holidays and permaximums fake 9.0.2.

I get no extra injuries and my strikers all score at least 10-20 goalks per season.... no crashes. everything works like a dream.

what version of the game do you use? can you provide me a link. you see i use a russian version, with ilefx holidays and permaximums fake 9.0.2.

I get no extra injuries and my strikers all score at least 10-20 goals per season.... no crashes. everything works like a dream.
It's working for me!!! Tnx
didn't work. some file could not be found.